About Me

My Mission is to Keep You Tick-Free

Enjoy your outdoor experiences and stay tick-free with professional guidance and personalized tips.

About Me

My Mission is to Keep You Tick-Free

Enjoy your outdoor experiences and stay tick-free with professional guidance and personalized tips.

I can help you unlock the secrets of tick safety and enjoy the great outdoors to the fullest.

As your tick education expert, my goal is to help you identify tick-safe practices, clarify your outdoor safety goals, and develop a plan to achieve them with expert guidance and support.

Preventing tick bites in the first place is the best defense. Some tips I’ve picked up over the decades include effective tick checks because, if done correctly and often, can be the single most effective action in minimizing your chance of a bite.

For more than 25 years I have studied the behavior, anatomy and life cycle of ticks. I partner with academic institutions, scientists and other organizations in order to raise awareness. My efforts are oriented toward personal and pet safety, and I strive to keep the public informed about precautions in the face of ticks which is only becoming more serious and widespread amid threats presented by climate change. Mild winters provide increased opportunity for ticks to procreate, predate and transmit infections.

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